Friday, September 12, 2008


It is a bit curious that Obama is running against
the Republican VP choice. Maybe he thinks that his
inexperience won't show as much. Boy is that a
Obama has promised a tax increase. Even tho he has
said it would not effect folks that make under $250K.
It never quite works that way. You increase the taxes
on the people who run a large business or sells a
product that people need..guess who pays the tax. I
would rather see lower taxes and a lot less government
spending. If someone can promise me that they will
get my vote.
The Democrats seem to have a problem on their hands
with the popularity of Sarah Palin. McCain has taken
the lead in most of the poles. The Dems seem to be
panicking a bit and trying their best to find
something nasty on Gov Palin. Like I said they think
that Sarah is at the top of the Republican ticket.
I will watch this race close. It may be different
next week. Socretease8

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