Tuesday, October 7, 2008


After watching the presidential debate
I have come to the conclusion that McCain
doesn't want to win. He had several chances
to make Obama look really bad but passed
them up. The one thing that kept popping
into my mind is that this inexperienced
clown may be the next president. If that
happens you will really have something
to worry about for your children and
grandchildren. The damage that this guy
will do to our way of life may be beyond
repair. The communist manifesto from the
1950's will have come full circle and
will look like a document of truth. The
communist said they would conquer the U.S.
from within. The judges that this guy will
pick and the socialist programs that he
will try to start will complete the
destruction of our way of life. It won't
have much effect on me, but my Kids and
their kids will pay the price.

There are two groups that I have seen on
television that turned my stomach. One was
a group of young girls singing the praises
of Obama in what looked like a school.
The other is a group of young black boys
dressed in military looking clothes marching
in step and shouting praises for Obama. This
is the kind of stuff that you see all the
time in China and North Korea. We may be
heading for a civil war.

Obama said that the economy has been
declining for the last 8 years. If McCain
had any guts he should have called Obama
a liar and pointed out that this country
had been attacked by terrorist and that
it took considerable resources to recover
from that. The economy was growing some,
until the democrats took over the congress.
That is when the gas prices doubled and
the housing market went away. The rest
is history.Socratease8

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