Saturday, November 29, 2008

Herd Mentality

I have often wondered what it is in the human
animal that requires them to run in herds. This
herd mentality was never more evident than
this Black Friday in Valley Stream on Long
Island in New York. A worker in the Wal-Mart
store was crushed to death by the herd as
they rushed into the store to save a few bucks
on items that the store had on sell. I have
never been able to understand people who will
camp out in the cold for several hours just
to be the first into the store and maybe have
a chance to beat someone else to an item to
save a few bucks.

This mentality was also evident during the
presidential election. Lots of folks wanted to
be on the band wagon to vote for the first
black candidate even tho he was vastly lacking
in qualifications for that office. We may pay a
dear price for electing Obama. We may also get
lucky and get through his administration with
minimal damage. He might even do OK. He has
forgotten about the change that he promised.
We've got a bunch of tired ol democrats who
will be advising him so there won't be much
change. I hope I'm wrong on this. Time will
tell. Socratease8.

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