Saturday, March 28, 2009


Sometimes when the stuff of the world starts
to get real intense a little walk into natures
splendor can calm the soul. I started this
day in my workshop building a Native American
style flute and after tuning it for about an
hour I decided I needed a break. The wind was
blowing quite hard and I could hear the water
flowing in the creek. It was like a magnet
drawing me to it. I took my camera and got
this video. As you can see spring has sprung
here in central Tennessee and we have a lot
of green. But it stays green year round here
with the Hemlocks, Mountain Laurel and Holly.
The Mountain Laurel will be blooming soon. It
lines almost all my paths through the woods and
is a pleasant sight to behold.

At the top of this post is a picture of a
Mountain Laurel. I wanted to put it after my
last paragraph but couldn't get it to work.

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