Sunday, April 5, 2009

Armand and Angelina

Armand and Angelina performed at our church
this morning then Armand had a flute playing
workshop in the afternoon. He plays and sells
Odell Borg flutes and that is what we used in
the workshop. I have uploaded a video from this
mornings service.Their web sit is at this location Go there and
hear Angelina sing Amazing Grace. Worth the trip.


Cloudhands said...

I'm glad you finally got it to play.

Socratease8 said...

Persistence pays off.

Ulli said...

Hello Barb, Hello Jerry ,

I am really glad to find your blog .
Very nice music , it came directly into the middle of my heart .
Me and my family are fare away from you , in Germany .
Maybe, you want to visit me one day in my new blog : ??
I would be pleased to have some new friends ...
Now I have to leave to visit Armand on his site !
Kind regards and all the best ,
Ulrike .

Socratease8 said...

Hello Ulrike

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am the sound man at our Unity church and have had the opportunity to meet several musicians that perform at our church. Armand and his wife Angelina are a joy to work with. I will visit your blog soon.